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Terps vs Taste

Terps vs Taste

In the intricate world of cannabis, the terms ‘Terps’ and ‘Taste’ are often used interchangeably. However, while interconnected, they represent different aspects of the overall cannabis experience. Understanding the distinction between Terps and Taste in cannabis can enrich your appreciation and elevate your enjoyment of the product. In this blog post, we at Scarlet Reserve delve into the fascinating world of Terps and Taste in cannabis.

The Allure of Terps

‘Terps,’ short for terpenes, are naturally occurring compounds found in a variety of plants, including cannabis. These compounds are responsible for the unique aroma and flavor profiles of different cannabis strains. From the citrusy tang of Limonene to the earthy notes of Myrcene, terpenes shape the sensory experience of cannabis.

But terpenes do more than just influence aroma and flavor. They also play a crucial role in the effects of cannabis. Various terpenes have been associated with different therapeutic properties, ranging from stress relief to anti-inflammatory effects. This interplay between terpenes and cannabinoids — the compounds responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis — is often referred to as the ‘entourage effect,’ a phenomenon that suggests these elements work better together than individually.

The Role of Taste

While terpenes play a significant role in defining the flavor of cannabis, the Taste refers to the experience you get when consuming the product. Taste, or flavor, is influenced not just by terpenes, but also by other factors such as the method of consumption, the product’s freshness, and even the individual’s taste buds.

For example, the same strain of cannabis may taste different when consumed in a joint, a vaporizer, or an edible. Similarly, the taste can be affected by how well the cannabis was cured or stored, with improperly stored cannabis often resulting in a harsh or unpleasant flavor.

Bridging the Gap: Terps and Taste

While distinct, terps and taste are undeniably interconnected. The terpenes in a cannabis strain largely dictate its flavor profile, which in turn contributes to the overall taste experience when consumed. However, as we’ve seen, taste can be influenced by other factors as well.

Recognizing the difference between Terps and Taste in cannabis is key to enhancing your cannabis experience. It allows you to better appreciate the complex interplay of factors that contribute to the unique sensory experience that cannabis offers.


The world of cannabis is a rich tapestry of aromas, flavors, and effects, with Terps and Taste playing pivotal roles in shaping this experience. At Scarlet Reserve, we are passionate about providing quality cannabis products that offer a symphony of terpenes and a taste experience second to none. Whether you’re a cannabis connoisseur or a curious newcomer, we invite you to explore the wonderful complexity and diversity that our cannabis strains have to offer.