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How Weed Legalization in NJ Advocates for Social Change

Over the past several years, researchers have been studying the various changes in states with legalized marijuana. Amongst these changes have come further shifts in social issues. As New Jersey has become one of the most recent states to legalize recreational cannabis. We can now speculate what social changes may occur.

Let’s look at the positive social changes that we can expect from weed legalization in NJ.

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The Social Benefits of Weed Legalization

The shift in Public Perception

As more and more states move to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. The public’s negative perception has begun to change. According to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in 2010, 52%1 of Americans were opposed to the legalization of marijuana on a federal level. A decade later, that number has decreased to only 32%. Highlighting the shift in public opinion since the ongoing increase of recreational use decriminalization and legalization within states.

Helps to Alleviate Crime & Racial Injustice Issues

Marijuana has played a significant role in the mass incarnation of hundreds of thousands of Americans. The majority of whom are Black or Latinx. The criminalization of marijuana has severely impacted these communities and has caused major social injustice issues. But as more and more states move towards the legalization and decriminalization of marijuana. Though the tide is beginning to turn, and the War on Drugs will further decrease in severity. As well as ending decades of unjust arrests of these minority groups.

Increase in Public Health

States that have legalized marijuana have seen a significant decrease in opioid-related deaths and overdoses. According to a 2021 study2, researchers found that counties in legal states had lower rates of opioid-related deaths. Further, they found that there was a 17% drop in opioid deaths in counties with more legal dispensaries.

What Weed Legalization Means

It will take much more data to fully support these claims. So far, the data is beginning to show a pattern of positive social change in areas of legal marijuana use. Following this, it can be assumed that as more states make the change, the more positive social effects will come.